B J Stromme - CEO
Thanks for joining me today!
My desire is that you can pick up new ideas, techniques and skills that will cut months - even YEARS off your learning curve!!
I have been an independent entrepreneur for over 40 years, earning top recognition rewards, worldwide incentive trips, and presenting training to national and international groups of leaders.
I'm an author, business trainer, personal coach and speaker. I've built 2 successful businesses and know the ups and downs of working for yourself. Having a coach is invaluable!
I spent the first 15 years in business learning a little at a time. And it was enough to keep me growing and enjoying the privilege of working for myself in the direct sales industry.
Then I was introduced to a business coach that really opened my eyes to new ways to work with people! I learned how and why to ask specific questions, how to identify and communicate with all personalities effectively, and how to open authentic conversations to see how I might be of help in another person’s journey!
My business became more fun AND more rewarding!
I believe we benefit from coaching, mentorships, career counseling, and ongoing business education. I've had many terrific business coaches in my career, and continue to invest time and money in my skill sets. Investing in yourself is the smartest personal investment you will ever make!!
One of my favorite ways to coach and train is through Retreats! All our Business Retreats are in beautiful places touched by Nature! I find we learn better and retain longer when we are having a wonderful time!
Come along! I hope to learn from you and in turn help you ENJOY your business more because you now have tools to bring about effective, rewarding results!!
A little about me on a personal level:
I'm a Northwest Native - meaning that I have enjoyed growing up and living in the Northwest all my life! I have a deep love of the woods and water. So any chance I get, I am either hiking or kayaking! I am the mom of 2 and grateful for each and every day, looking to fill it with joy, peace, hope and love!
I find that being in Nature gives me terrific ideas, keeps me healthy and happy!
What about you??
Are you living a life of Joy?!
Hugs, BJ

Podcast Guest on Predictable B2B Success with Vinay Koshy
Podcast Guest on Might Book Podcast
with Ryan Oliver
Podcast Guest on Freedom Fridays
Live on FB with Dr. Heather Tucker
Podcast Guest on Sterling's Business Success & Coffee Podcast
with Simon Meadows.
Author of ARE YOU MY FLOCK -
A Personality Profiling Resource to make connections effectively.
Contributing Author in Focus on Networking