"From attending BJ's POPmindset training I have learned how to recognize other peoples personalities and how to effectively communicate with them.
BJ creates an inviting atmosphere at the retreat and genuinely cares about each person attending. She makes the information she is sharing very clear and easy to apply to your business or everyday life.
Candice Kelly

Getting to know B.J. has been a fabulous experience. I was very impressed with her interpersonal communication skills while taking one of her POP Mindset training sessions. Her ability to help people improve their person-to-person relationship building abilities is uncanny. She has incredible insight when it comes to reading people, and can rapidly adjust her conversational tone and style to connect with the other person immediately. Her training classes are not only interesting and enjoyable, they are quite effective as well.
Dick Kuiper
Ghostwriter, Published Author, Copy-editor, Marketing Agent, LinkedIn Consultant, Blog Writer
Calling all...
Business owners
Direct Sellers, MLM
Independent Employee's
Let's take the time to review the 4 Keys to your success, AND explore the in's and out's of marketing in the social media realm.
This seminar is our time to re-focus on the 4 Key elements of success.
If you had hands-on tools to help your mind actually know what to look for, how would that support you?
We have all heard sayings like, "What you think about, you bring about", or "As a man thinketh, so is he".
Join us to gain tools to get over your excuses; find a way around any obstacle, and use your incredible BRAIN to create your Success!
When you master this awareness and learn how to use it to your best advantage, you can re-train your "radar" on what to look for!
And radar, finely tuned, seeks out that which it is programmed to find!
We are not just talking about positive thoughts and saying! The tools we will use literally take the POWER out of the negative thoughts that derail us! Safely address and get rid of what's not working and empower yourself to grab what works - every day!!
Learn the key to retraining your “radar” for success!
Gain new tools to take the power OUT of negative thoughts!
Discover new ways to keep yourself on track and motivated!
Is there is a nagging thought that pops into your mind every day, lingers in the background and you find yourself stuffing it down?
Let's minimize or eliminate it!
There are two main techniques we will work with, along with exercises to make them easy to remember, that have made a huge difference in your outcomes!
Lower your stress!
Get to a peaceful place faster when you are dealing with conflict, and learn how to open your world to the results you want.
Are triggers running your reactions?
Understand and Identify Personality Differences through the Fun and Easy
"Are You My Flock" training!
Learn how to recognize and avoid the “knee-jerk” response!
Understand the strengths and challenges of your “challenge” flock!
Get practice and clarity on what an "Ending Message" really is and how to deliver it in a way that creates connection and positive results!
Get a handle on the "triggers" that cause you to miss great opportunities!
Learn 4 languages in one day!
Gain insights into what to do, and when, for the best results.
Drag your feet?
Hate getting "out" of your comfort zone?
Frustrated and don't know where to start?
Believe me, I understand!
We are going to use tools and techniques to keep ourselves in a "great" place for productivity and get a better understanding of what our best actions are to be successful.
We are diving into MARKETING TIPS AND INSIGHTS on Facebook! Bring your laptop so you can create your own ads, content, and engagement plan.
Understand how to move easily and effectively toward your goals with the right actions at the right time.
Leave with a list of great support books, events, online programs, Money Tips and Info, and all the handouts to refer to for today's training.
Here's what we will be working on:
The first 2 Keys will be a review as many of you have participated in the Mindset training and "Are You My Flock", personality profile training.
1.The “Knowing” Understanding how the mind works, tuning your radar for success, dealing with frustrations and thoughts that are derailing you.
2. Getting the YES - deeper understanding and practice of developing your ending message, bringing your business into a conversation easily, guiding a conversation to gain knowledge of your prospect.
3.Game Plan-Intentional Action plans, with a focus on marketing through social media. Hands-on - bring your laptop for training!
4.Strengthening the Foundation-resources to succeed. Additional programs, trainers, support, books, and people to help you stay on track with YOUR goals!